Category Archives: Tips

All You Need to Know About Speakers Bureau?

Are you looking to book an inspiring speaker for your next event? Are you wondering what a speakers bureau does and if it can help connect you with the perfect presenter? Look no further! In this blog post, we’ll provide an overview of how the speakers bureau works so that you can make sure your event has a powerful guest. We’ll explain the key advantages of hiring a professional speakers bureau to identify, negotiate, and confirm the right keynote or panelists for your event. Read on to learn more about how these experienced professionals can be easily tapped into in order to create an unforgettable speaking engagement experience!

Introducing Speakers Bureaus – Learn What They Do

Are you interested in finding the perfect speaker for your upcoming event? Look no further than a speakers bureau. Speakers bureaus are organizations dedicated to connecting event planners with the best speakers for their specific needs. With a vast network of talented professionals, a speakers bureau can provide recommendations for motivational speakers, industry experts, and everything in between. These bureaus work closely with both the speakers and the event planners to ensure a seamless and successful event. Whether you are planning a corporate conference or a charity gala, a speakers bureau can help you find the perfect speaker to wow your audience.

Benefits of Hiring a Speakers Bureau

When planning a conference or event, finding the perfect speaker is crucial. But sometimes, it can be challenging to find the right person for the job. This is where a speakers bureau comes in. A speakers bureau is a company that represents professional speakers and helps match them with organizations in need of a speaker. Hiring a speakers bureau comes with many benefits. For one, they have a vast network of speakers to choose from, which means you’re more likely to find one that fits your specific needs. Additionally, speakers bureaus handle all the logistics, from booking travel to negotiating fees, so you don’t have to worry about the nitty-gritty details. By hiring a speakers bureau, you can rest assured that your event will have a high-quality speaker and all the details will be taken care of so that you can focus on other important aspects of your event.

Different Types of Speakers Bureaus

If you’re looking for a speaker for your event, you may want to consider working with a speakers bureau. These organizations are essentially collections of speakers who are available for engagements. However, not all speakers bureaus are created equal. Some focus exclusively on a particular type of speaker, such as motivational or business-focused speakers. Others may have global reach and be able to connect you with speakers from around the world. Some may even offer additional services, such as marketing or event planning support. It’s important to research different speaker bureaus to find one that aligns with your needs and goals.

Finding the Right Speaker for Your Event

When planning an event, finding the right speaker to engage and inspire your audience is crucial. A great speaker can make all the difference between a mediocre event and one that leaves a lasting impact on attendees. One way to discover talented and experienced speakers is by reaching out to a speakers bureau. A speakers bureau serves as a go-between for event organizers and speakers, providing access to a wide variety of experts and professionals who can speak on a range of topics. These bureaus can help you find the perfect speaker to fit your event’s theme, audience, and budget. By utilizing a speakers bureau, you’ll be able to find the right person to deliver a memorable speech and make your event one to remember.

Tips for Working with a Speakers Bureau

Are you looking to bring in a renowned speaker for your next event but don’t know where to start? A speakers bureau can be your go-to resource! Not only do they have access to a vast network of speakers, but they can also help you find a speaker whose expertise aligns with your event’s focus. However, working with a speakers bureau can be overwhelming if you don’t know the right tips and tricks. To begin with, you should carefully research and choose a reputable agency with a proven track record. Additionally, make sure to communicate your requirements and expectations clearly to the bureau so that they can help you find the perfect speaker for your event. Remember to maintain open communication throughout the process and have a clear agreement in place with the speakers bureau. With these tips, you can ensure a seamless and satisfying experience when working with a speakers bureau.

Checklist for Selecting a Speaker from a Speakers Bureau

Finding the right speaker for your event can be a daunting task. That’s where a speakers bureau comes in handy. A speakers bureau is an agency that connects event planners with a range of potential speakers for their events. However, it’s important to choose the right speaker for your event, and that’s where a checklist can help. A checklist can ensure that you select a speaker who fits your event’s theme, aligns with your audience, and has the right credentials and expertise to deliver a memorable speech. Using a speakers bureau can take the stress out of finding a speaker, but it’s up to you to do your homework and make the right selection.

In conclusion, speakers bureaus provide organizations and events with a great opportunity to find the perfect speaker for their needs. By working with a speakers bureau, you can interact directly with experienced professionals who have knowledge of their industry so that you can develop a detailed plan for your event. Speakers bureaus offer many benefits, such as access to different types of speakers and detailed checklists which help you choose the right one for your audience. Ultimately, engaging a speakers bureau helps your event stand out from the competition and draws in more attendees. So if you’re planning an event or gathering, then consider the advantages of hiring from a speakers bureau and make sure that you get the best bang for your buck. Remember to follow these tips and checklists to ensure that you select the right person from the bureau to speak at your event!

Why Do You Need an Exit Strategy for Business?

As a business owner, it is essential to consider the possibilities of future changes in your organization. When businesses scale and grow quickly, they can face unexpected events or market conditions that can cause them to fail. To have an actionable plan for these situations, having an exit strategy is crucial for the long-term stability and security of any business. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what a successful exit strategy looks like, why it’s important to create one now before problems arise, and how you can begin formulating one that puts your company in a position of strength.

The Importance of Having an Exit Strategy

As an entrepreneur or business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of building your company and all the potential success that comes with it. But one aspect that often gets overlooked is the importance of having an exit strategy for businesses. An exit strategy is essentially a plan for ending your involvement with the company and maximizing your returns. It may seem like something you don’t need to worry about until much later, but having a clear exit strategy in place from the beginning can help guide your decisions and ensure you’re maximizing the value of your business along the way. Whether you plan to sell your company, merge with another business, or simply retire, having an exit strategy is a crucial part of building a successful business.

Types of Exit Strategies for Business Owners

As a business owner, it’s important to not only think about building your company up, but also how you plan to exit it and move on to your next endeavor. There are various types of exit strategies to consider depending on your goals and overall business structure. One common approach is a merger or acquisition, where you sell your entire business or merge it with another company. Another option is to go public through an initial public offering (IPO) and sell shares of your company to the public. Alternatively, you can pass on your business to a family member or key employee through a management buyout or an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). Regardless of which exit strategy you choose, it’s important to start planning early and seek guidance from trusted advisors to make the process as smooth and successful as possible.

What to Consider When Developing an Exit Strategy

Developing an exit strategy can seem daunting. After all, it’s not something most business owners plan for when starting their venture. However, having a plan in place to exit your business can be critical to your long-term success. There are a number of factors to consider when developing an exit strategy, such as your goals, timeframe, and potential buyers. You’ll also want to think about how you want to exit your business, whether that means selling it, passing it on to a family member, or simply closing up shop. By taking the time to carefully consider every element of your exit strategy, you can ensure a smoother transition and set yourself up for success in your next venture.

Preparation for a Successful Exit

Exiting a project, job, or position can be an incredibly daunting process. It’s tempting to simply walk away and avoid the discomfort altogether. However, proper preparation can make all the difference in ensuring a successful exit. First and foremost, it’s important to communicate your intentions in a timely and professional manner. This can help ease any tension or confusion amongst colleagues or managers. Additionally, make sure to wrap up any loose ends, tie up any outstanding projects, and train any replacements if necessary. Finally, take care of any personal or emotional loose ends before your last day. Taking the time to prepare for a successful exit not only shows respect for those you’ve worked with but also sets you up for future success.

Crafting a Plan for Maximum Profitability

When it comes to running a successful business, crafting a plan for maximum profitability is key. Whether you are an established company or just starting, having a clear strategy in place can make all the difference. A successful plan should include a thorough analysis of your target market, a deep understanding of your products or services, and a realistic assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. From there, you can identify areas for improvement and prioritize your goals based on their potential return on investment. With a solid plan in place, you can make informed decisions about where to allocate your resources and how to best position your business for success.

Mistakes to Avoid When Creating an Exit Strategy

Creating an exit strategy is a critical step in any business venture, but it’s important to avoid common mistakes that can undermine its effectiveness. One mistake to avoid is failing to outline specific goals and objectives for your exit. Without a clear plan, you risk making hasty decisions that could impact the value of your business. Another mistake is neglecting to consider the tax implications of your exit. Proper tax planning is crucial to maximizing your returns and avoiding costly mistakes. It’s also important to avoid being too rigid in your approach and failing to adapt to changes in the market or your circumstances. By approaching your exit strategy with careful consideration and avoiding these common pitfalls, you can position yourself for success.

Crafting an exit strategy is a crucial step in ensuring the success of your business and facilitating a smooth transition after you retire or move on to focus on other things. Instead of waiting until the last minute, take steps now to create an exit strategy that will allow you to maximize profitability and minimize stress when the time comes. Talk with professional advisors, such as financial planners, attorneys, or accountants who can help review your existing plans and provide valuable insights into determining the ideal exit strategy for you. With proper planning and dedication, it is possible to make sure that your legacy continues long after you have exited from the business.

Five Reasons Why You Should Stop Using Plastic Bags and Move to Paper Bags

Ever since the onset of human civilization, humans is developing non-stop by using and even abusing the resources of the planet. One such ill effect that human development has on Earth is the uncontrolled accumulation of plastic everywhere. It is because of this, environmentalists have warned that humans need to stop or at least reduce using plastic. One of the major steps in the process is to stop using plastic bags and move to paper bags because of their different effects.

The impact on the environment

Plastic bags are non-biodegradable which means they cannot be decomposed by bacteria and microorganisms. Only ultraviolet rays can destroy it and which means waiting for centuries for plastic to be destroyed which is used in a few months time only. This imbalance is what has created the problem. On the other hand, paper bags are easily decomposed by bacteria and microorganisms because of being made from natural and conservative resources.

Marine life

After being thrown away, plastic bags make their way into the water where remain as it is. Eventually, they reach the rivers and sea where it affects marine life. Animals consume this plastic, which keeps sitting in their stomach leading them to starve and die. On the other hand, if a paper bag makes its way into the water, it is dissolved within a few days without creating any harmful substance.

Groundwater contamination

When plastic is exposed to light and air, it emits toxic pollutants. The pollutants seep into the pipelines of water supplies and contaminate the water. Consumption or use of this water causes various disorders and illnesses including chronic diseases like cancer. Whereas, plastic bags do not emit such emissions are can also be recycled.

Air contamination

The emission from the toxic pollutants, formed by the exposure of plastic to light and air, contaminates the air in a similar manner as it contaminates the water. These emissions add to the greenhouse gases altering the atmospheric layer of the planet. Paper bags, on the other hand, do not produce greenhouse or other harmful gases. Burning plastic also produces some of the toxic gases that are harmful for living beings, while burning paper bags does not produce such emissions.


Like plastic bags affect marine life, they also harm terrestrial animals and wildlife in the same way. Animals being unaware of it eat the plastic along with food and it stuck into their digestive tract which causes the digestive tract. City animals that feed on trash tend to suffer the most. Similarly, people visiting sanctuaries and jungles when leaving plastic bags, bottles, and containers there, it affects the wild animals in the same way.

Even if the use of plastic bags is completely barred, the pile-up of toxic substances that has happened so far will take hundreds of centuries to reduce the impact. Therefore, the sooner people understand the concept of sustainable development, the better it is for the planet and living beings.

Everything You Need to Know About Weibo Marketing

Referred to as ‘Twitter of China’ Weibo is the strongest digital marketing tool that every business must learn about. It also some features of Facebook which makes it the most popular social media platform in China. Therefore, Weibo marketing is the first thing that businesses in China want to know about. With more than 300 million active users, this micro-blogging site was launched in 2009 and has a presence of its users across 190 countries. It not just the number but the variety of users as well makes the Weibo most sought after platform by the businesses:

• There are individual users using Weibo for entertainment.

• Business professional looking for connections that are beneficial for their business.

• Both Chinese and international celebrities who interact with their fans in China use Weibo.

• Media uses Weibo every day to watch the trend and to get the ideas about their articles and reports on different matters.

Weibo for brand positioning in China

A business must follow the given steps to use Weibo marketing in their favor and brand positioning:

• A business must create the official account on Weibo which should be verified because every internet activity in China is closely monitored by the government.

• The account than must have videos, images, and written content to present the idea of the business.

• The target audience must be understood so that the right users can be approached by the business promotion.

• Genuine and engaging content on the account always attracts comments from the users because the Chinese audience reacts better to the ads and promotions than their counterparts in the rest of the world.

Challenges with Weibo

Like any other social media platform, Weibo has similar challenges:

• There is a regular need to attract potential followers which needs a lot of new content in a different form every day.

• Despite of new content every day, not all of it is seen by the followers.

• The potential followers are first difficult to attract and even difficult to earn their loyalty.

Types of advertising on Weibo

Weibo marketing uses different types of advertising:

Banner advertising: As the name suggests, it is the banner on the top of the business website, and the homepage is like a backlink that leads to the homepage of the business. This technique works in China because Chinese audience doesn’t mind being forwarded to another link as far as the product or the business interests them.

Weibo search engine promotion: It is based on the keywords and reaches many users the single point of time creating a healthy awareness about the business. It uses the search tool on the discover page of Weibo and business needs to be very careful about the selection of keyword. If a business uses the trending keyword, it needs to pay less for the promotion otherwise there is a lot of money that needs to be spent to use this feature.
Fan Headline: This is the most popular form of advertising on Weibo that appears in the form of a headline. It is the most effective way of promoting the business on Weibo. It needs daily updates depending upon the type of target users and can use the owner’s account and other famous accounts in Weibo. There can be followers on daily posts; a business can ask other users to share its posts or find some other accounts that can post the business feeds on their account.

Fan tunnel: Fan tunnel is similar to the fan headline with the only difference that fan tunnel uses the links of the existing users. The business asks its existing users to share their ads and posts on their timeline so that it can reach their followers and then their followers.

Benefits of Weibo

While in China, a business has many benefits of using Weibo marketing for its business promotion and brand positioning:

• Weibo reaches more than 70% of internet users which means a business can target a large audience at a time.

• Chinese audience responds well to advertising, and hence the business develops a kind of personal relationship with the user if the content is effective.

• A business that is active on social media also gains popularity among its users and the media, which means more awareness about the business.

How Social Media Marketing Can be Used Your Business?

With a view to enhance your market access in China, it’s imperative for you to have an active brand presence on major Chinese social media platforms. With more than 900 million internet users and 95% of them being activated on social sites, social media marketing in China has been the priority to marketers interested to expand their business in the globally largest market hub.

Social Media Marketing – Two Major Pillars

As you simply cannot think of social media marketing in the West without having a presence in Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, equally when in China you should think of its major two pillars WeChat and Weibo to make your social media marketing in China a real hit. In this article, we will discuss how brilliantly you can utilize the potential of these two most popular social sites and win the mass of Chinese customers.


With more than 580 million proud users, WeChat is distinguished as the largest and most popular social media sites in China. Compared with Facebook and Whatsapp, as the great features of WeChat have made its user’s everyday life fast, shared and relaxed, for business groups its potential to drive customers to the platform has offered a unique space to get hooked on.

Invest In Quality Content

Unlike Western social sites, WeChat makes a difference in the sense that Chinese customers always look for the innovative presence of business contents while dislike monotony. Make the best use of WeChat campaign and share high-quality contents with photos, videos, audio messages aside from informative text. Rich, informative, and authentic contents are sure to make your Chinese customers respond to your products/services. Thus, through WeChat content marketing it is possible for businesses to convert their business followers to members and buyers. You can publish five varied types of contents such as video, audio, text, picture, and image with text. Most foreign brands prefer incorporating H5 Pages in their official accounts and posts to maximize their WeChat marketing result.

Consider Loyalty Programs

WeChat enables business groups to initiate effective and long term marketing strategy by developing loyalty programs that help promote their brands. Aside from conversion of followers into members by using geo-location services you can locate potential consumers, their age, gender and accordingly offer promotions matching to their needs. The three ways to market to your Chinese consumers on WeChat include.

• Offering VIP cards via the app

• Sending promotional items

• Providing e-coupons which can be exchanged in stores


To successfully promote your brand through social media marketing in China, you should have an active presence through advertising on WeChat. Think of WeChat Moment Ads that has received high recognition to foreign business groups to enjoy increased market access in China.


With more than 566 million active users Weibo, the most demanding microblogging social site is typically compared with Twitter and Instagram of the West. The social platform allows its users to post pictures, videos, and links with text of 140 characters. For marketers desirous to promote their business in China, Weibo helps get customer feedback, engage in conversation and using a series of advertising channels. The social site enables its followers to convey ‘like,’ make comments, and enquire on your products or services. No wonder, the engaging space offered by Weibo can be used effectively through successful customer conversion which is the key to SMM.

Four Types of Weibo Advertising

 Banner Ads: More like a backlink tool, Weibo’s banner ad displays your business topic as classified on the top of webpage or mobile. As customers click on the banner ad, it instantly forwards them to your business homepage.

 Weibo’s Search Engine Promotion: Weibo’s ‘discover page’ acts as a search tool facilitating users to locate products or services, they’re in quest of. The menu of the search tool lists the most popular search items and here is where the keyword chosen by your agency plays a major role by listing your ad in the priority place.

 Fan Headline: A very productive business promotional tool is fan headline that helps promote your account, content, post, or services to your followers through daily updates.

 Fan Tunnel: if properly utilized, fun tunnel of Weibo can help you reach the larger group of Weibo users. The specialized ad tool is hard to understand while your agency can make its gainful use to promote your business.

KOL (Key Option Leader): Social media marketing in China takes a new dimension with the adoption of influencer’s versions in promotional endeavors. Global brands are already in the race to use influencers (top personalities/ celebrities) versions in customers’ decision making. Weibo Advertising can help you thrive in business through its extended KOLs’ follower base and in successful brand building.

How Does Baidu SEM Works?

Baidu SEM is Baidu’s pay per click advertising system where the advertisers bid on a number of keywords so as to display their ads in the search results of Baidu. Baidu makes money from the amount that advertisers pay for. Each advertiser will play Baidu for the clicks, and this is how the system works. A lot of people are not aware of how Baidu SEM works or whether it will be effective for the business. However, it has proven to be effective for many industries as long as the right keywords have been chosen to create innovative ads.

What is the costing?

Costing is an important aspect which should be considered. Baidu SEM costs 5,000 RMB at the time of opening an account. This amount is the initial account deposit. You will be able to see the account balance and then use it for your campaigns in the future. The amount of each ad will depend on various factors like the competition in the industry and the bidding prices. It will also depend on how you write the ads and how good the landing page is.

How will the ad be displayed?

Baidu will display the ad above the organic search results. This means when a consumer searches for a product using certain keywords specific to your business, Baidu will show your ad at the top of the results. A user will see the ad at the top, and whenever there is a website click, you pay Baidu for displaying the ad. This is an inorganic form of marketing your business.

How does the bidding work?

The position of the ad will be based on numerous factors including the Baidu Trust Score of the business entity, the quality score, the user behavioral data of the search and the bidding prices. Baidu Trust score is a system which Baidu uses to calculate how trustworthy business is and every advertiser will begin with 100 points. In case of any violation, a certain number of points will be deducted from the score. It will have an impact on the trust rating of your business. The quality score will be calculated based on the quality of the landing page and the ads. This will be determined by predicting the click-through rates, the relevancy of content and the user experience.

What are the bidding prices?

The bidding price is the amount you are willing to spend on each click that people will do for the ad. If you bid heavily, Baidu will penalize the advertiser who bid with a very low score. The ones with high-quality scores will get higher ranks at a low cost.

What is the structure of a Baidu account?

The Baidu account will have a campaign ad group keywords structure. Your campaign will be the set of ad groups that will have a daily, weekly or monthly budget. It will have user interest targeting, location targeting, and negative keywords list. The campaign will be used to organize different categories of the services and products offered by you. Then there will be an ad group which contains more than one ad which targets a variety of keywords with the bidding prices. Lastly, a keyword is a phrase which will describe the product or service that you put under an ad group and then use it to match the queries of the searchers’.

You can use analytics to track the performance of the campaign. It is an efficient tool that will make a huge difference to the campaign, and you can also use third-party web analytics tools for the same. Baidu SEM has proved to be an effective tool for marketing the products and services on the search engine. However, you need to put in time and effort to research the keywords and build an ad that is innovative and relevant. Do not try to sell illegal things through Baidu because it will affect your score. With the right strategy, you will be able to generate higher website traffic and increase revenue.

How to Advertise on Weibo

When it comes to advertising for foreign brands, Weibo advertising is one of the top channels to advertise your business. It has a higher ROI and helps in targeted marketing. Weibo has a focused exposure towards the best market demographic and offers an opportunity for streamline advertising. It will remain a pivotal player in the e-commerce industry of China and has a strong Alibaba influence. Advertising through Weibo is a perfect way of building a strong following and branding the business. You will be able to engage with a large community through targeted advertising and will be able to achieve your goal or driving sales and conversions.

Different advertising options on Weibo

There are four different types of Weibo advertising options for you to engage in. For each option, you will have to create a strategy for keeping the brand and budget in mind. In your strategy, you need to consider the display adverts, search engine promotion, fan headlines as well as the fan tunnel. A combination of these approaches can work best for you. The four different ways you can advertise on Weibo are discussed below.

1. Display ads: This is a very traditional but an effective way of marketing your products. Display ads come in different dimensions on various pages, and they are optimized for both, web and mobile versions. Every time a user clicks on the ad, they will be directed to the page of the advertiser and the pricing will depend on the size, page placement and the keywords used. Weibo has a targeted approach where the keywords you select for visibility will be based on user searches, and you can feature displays on the accounts that have followers in the same niche. The ads are usually placed on the search page and on the homepage of Weibo. You can also place them on the side of the news feed of the users.

2. Search engine promotion: Weibo comes with an inbuilt advanced search feature which allows browsing of the accounts, fan pages, and posts. It is the perfect way of pushing the account based on the targeted keyword search from the users. This is the best way to increase the type of traffic you attract on your website. Display ads are the perfect way of driving good traffic to the external link, but search promotion will focus on increasing the visibility of the account. Your account is a tool for user engagement, and the users of Weibo are accustomed to a strong brand presence on the platform. The users will use the search bar and then see your account at the top of the search results.

3. Fan tunnels: This is the most intelligent way of advertising on Weibo. It allows you to reach new consumers and you can use to promote a specific post on the account. It has a headline which will appear on the top of the user’s new feed and is considered to be highly effective. If you have a fairly new business with a small following, this is the perfect way to build one. Through Fan tunnels, you will be able to focus on the whole community and not just the current followers. Your content will be placed at the top of the newsfeed based on the audience demographics defined by their gender, age, and interests.

4. Fan headlines: You can advertise through fan headlines to focus on your existing follower base and their connections. It is like a tunnel where the post will appear on the top of the news feed of the followers and also on their connections. It increases the likelihood of content being reshared, and it also helps tap into the follower’s connections. It is an approach for building engagement and the headlines target followers which is an ideal tool for attracting a higher number of followers.

These are some of the most effective ways of advertising on Weibo. You will be able to reach out to a wider audience and ensure that the target users drive conversion in large numbers. Identify your business goals and build a marketing strategy in alignment with the same.

Why Social Media Marketing Is Important to Your Business?

Social media is an incredible marketing opportunity with which you can increase your sales, grow your business and achieve your targeted goal in a short time. If you have not explored social media marketing in China for promoting your business, then you will be leaving behind your competitors. You might never know the magnitude until you start your own social media marketing campaign.

Here are some benefits of social media marketing.

Increased Traffic

One of the other benefits of social media is that it helps to increase your website traffic. When you share your content on social media, customers and followers get a chance to visit your website. The more quality content you will share, more inbound traffic your site will receive.

Boosts SEO

Social media presence plays a vital role in website ranking. To secure a higher ranking, the requirements of SEO are changing constantly. Therefore, updating the website and blog is not enough; you need to make a social content strategy. Remember, your social media content speaks a lot about your brand identity and reputation.

Helps you to learn about your customer

Social media helps you to learn about your audience better. By reading their daily tweets and status updates, you will get insights into their daily lives and consumer behaviors. This simple act of monitoring social conversations can help you understand what is more important to your target audience. When you understand your customers, you can deliver better content, which will strengthen the product strategy and increase sales.

Builds a relationship with the customer

Social media is a place to connect and engage with customers. Of course, your business should not be the subject of all your posts. Show your customers that you care about them by providing answers to their questions and be honest while interacting with them. You can inform and entertain them with relevant content and product information. Try to form a bond over shared interests. Make them feel that there is a human behind the brand, not a machine.

Improves customer service

Social media is a key platform to provide quick customer service. You can quickly respond to your customers’ questions and complaints. It will help you to build a credible relationship with them. Compared to email messages, social media offers a better chance to connect with the customers.

Increases Brand awareness

A huge benefit of social media marketing in China is that it helps to humanize your brand and connect with your customers on an emotional level. Along with your few promotional posts, you may put in few posts which will cover the history and USP of the brands. So customers will get a clear vision of the brand.

To ensure, more people get interested in your brand; you have to give them enough reasons to get excited. You can offer promos, discounts. You can use appealing header, photo and an informative and engaging bio of your product.

Builds brand loyalty

A recent analysis shows that 53% of customers, who follow a particular brand on social media, end up becoming loyal customers. When customers regularly interact with a brand, they are more likely going to stick around for a longer period. You have to keep this in mind while posting for your brand on social media. Loyal customers help to increase traffic, and they will share the interesting posts frequently. You should ensure that your brand is not concerned only about marketing but make an effort to keep your customers happy.

Budget-friendly marketing strategy

The best part of social media marketing in China is all you need is a computer and an internet connection. In terms of monetary investment, you can do a lot just with a little bit of budget. You can easily create an account on most of the platforms for free. So create a social media account and start posting relevant contents to attract potential leads. If you want to serve a broader audience, then you can go for paid advertisements as well.

There is no doubt that social media marketing has a lot of advantages for start-ups and established brands. So don’t wait and start working, your business will grow fast.