Five Reasons Why You Should Stop Using Plastic Bags and Move to Paper Bags

Ever since the onset of human civilization, humans is developing non-stop by using and even abusing the resources of the planet. One such ill effect that human development has on Earth is the uncontrolled accumulation of plastic everywhere. It is because of this, environmentalists have warned that humans need to stop or at least reduce using plastic. One of the major steps in the process is to stop using plastic bags and move to paper bags because of their different effects.

The impact on the environment

Plastic bags are non-biodegradable which means they cannot be decomposed by bacteria and microorganisms. Only ultraviolet rays can destroy it and which means waiting for centuries for plastic to be destroyed which is used in a few months time only. This imbalance is what has created the problem. On the other hand, paper bags are easily decomposed by bacteria and microorganisms because of being made from natural and conservative resources.

Marine life

After being thrown away, plastic bags make their way into the water where remain as it is. Eventually, they reach the rivers and sea where it affects marine life. Animals consume this plastic, which keeps sitting in their stomach leading them to starve and die. On the other hand, if a paper bag makes its way into the water, it is dissolved within a few days without creating any harmful substance.

Groundwater contamination

When plastic is exposed to light and air, it emits toxic pollutants. The pollutants seep into the pipelines of water supplies and contaminate the water. Consumption or use of this water causes various disorders and illnesses including chronic diseases like cancer. Whereas, plastic bags do not emit such emissions are can also be recycled.

Air contamination

The emission from the toxic pollutants, formed by the exposure of plastic to light and air, contaminates the air in a similar manner as it contaminates the water. These emissions add to the greenhouse gases altering the atmospheric layer of the planet. Paper bags, on the other hand, do not produce greenhouse or other harmful gases. Burning plastic also produces some of the toxic gases that are harmful for living beings, while burning paper bags does not produce such emissions.


Like plastic bags affect marine life, they also harm terrestrial animals and wildlife in the same way. Animals being unaware of it eat the plastic along with food and it stuck into their digestive tract which causes the digestive tract. City animals that feed on trash tend to suffer the most. Similarly, people visiting sanctuaries and jungles when leaving plastic bags, bottles, and containers there, it affects the wild animals in the same way.

Even if the use of plastic bags is completely barred, the pile-up of toxic substances that has happened so far will take hundreds of centuries to reduce the impact. Therefore, the sooner people understand the concept of sustainable development, the better it is for the planet and living beings.

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